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Safer Spaces Policy

Girls Rock School Edinburgh aims to run workshops in a safe environment, which is welcoming, engaging and supportive for everyone. When a potential participant signs up to a workshop, they will be emailed the Safer Spaces policy and once they have replied to say that they agree to abide by all the points below, they will be given a space on the workshop.

1. We are open to transwomen as well as non-binary and genderqueer persons (those on the trans spectrum who do not identify as either gender). If you are not sure of someone's pronoun (he, she, they), don't be afraid to enquire; they will usually be grateful you asked! If unsure, refer to the person by name.

2. Racism, ageism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, ableism or prejudice based on ethnicity, nationality, class, gender presentation, language ability, asylum status or religious affiliation is unacceptable and will be challenged.

3. Respect participant's physical and emotional boundaries, and always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing boundaries.

4. Avoid assuming the opinions and identifications of other participants.

5. Recognise that we are attempting to foster an environment of mutual empowerment; do not judge, put each other down or compete.

6. We will aim, as much as is feasible, to ensure that spaces are as accessible as possible. Our core workshops (vocals, guitar, bass, drums) and showcase events will always be held in venues with wheelchair access.

7. If someone makes a comment or exhibits behaviour which is unacceptable, remember “Respect the person; challenge their behaviour.”  If you do not feel comfortable or safe challenging the behaviour please find a member of the GRSE team and they will be more than happy to help. 

8. If someone violates these agreements a discussion or mediation process can happen, depending on the wishes of the person who was violated. If a serious violation happens to the extent that someone feels unsafe, they can be asked to leave the space.

9. Whilst ground rules are collective responsibility, everyone is also personally responsible for their own behaviour.

10. GRS workshops are alcohol and drugs free spaces. Unless agreed otherwise in advance (such as for medical reasons), no food is allowed in the music rooms, and liquids must be in sealable bottles, to prevent spillages.


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